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1 Photo Size (Width:3.5cm Heigth:4.5cm) Less than 24 KB (.JPG)*

2 Signature Size (Width:3.5cm Heigth:1cm) Less than 12 KB (.JPG)*

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3 UG Degree (Scan with Original) (Less than 2MB) (.PDF)

4 PG Degree (Scan with Original) (Less than 2MB) (.PDF)

5 NET Certificate (Scan with Original) (Less than 2MB) (.PDF)

6 PHD Degree (Scan with Original) (Less than 2MB) (.PDF)

7 Latest ADHOC Panel List (Scan with Original) (Less than 2MB) (.PDF)

8 Bank Cheque / Passbook (Scan with Original) (Less than 2MB) (.PDF)

9 NET Exemption / PHD Compliance Certificate,If any (Scan with Original) (Less than 2MB) (.PDF)

10 Category Certificate (SC/ST/OBC/PWBD/EWS) (Scan with Original) (Less than 2MB) (.PDF)

11 Permanent faculty ICard (Scan with Original) (Less than 2MB) (.PDF)

12 PAN Card (Scan with Original) (Less than 2MB) (.PDF)

13 Retired Faculty From DU (Scan with Original) (Less than 2MB) (.PDF)