Application Form Academic Counsellor/Resource Person in SOL
Application No |
Applying for Subject* |
Allocation Code |
Name* |
Father's / Husband's Name* |
Date Of Birth * |
Email |
Residential Address* |
Mobile No.* |
Alternate Mobile No. |
Please select the Category you belong to:* |
Certificate from the competent authority be attached:
Handicap Category |
Academic qualification ( Beginning with Under-Graduate Examination) |
PHD Exemption Certificate (if any) |
PHD Exemption Certificate is compulsory if completed after 2009. |
Please specify the specialization Paper:* |
Employement Status :* |
College Name(if you are in service) |
Please select Adhoc Panel Catergory :* |
Adhoc Panel No |
Year * |
Whether taught in NCWEB/SOL * |
Details of Course / subject / Paper teaching / Specialization area of the college / SOL : |
Research Scholar: |
NET category* |
(If cleared attach a copy of the certificate)
(If yes, kindly specify the name of the college)
Please give your college preference Zone* |
Please give your college preference* |
Are you willing to take classes on regular / working days:* |
Do you Have Knowledge of ICT Tool to be used For Class Room Teaching & capable to take classes through PowerPoint Presentations * |
Are you capable for to give lectures as PowerPoint Presentations?:* |
Are you ready to write study material? |
Specify the details for writing study material |
Information needed for payment through RTGS: |
PAN No.* |
Account No.* |
Bank Name* |
IFSC Code No.* |
Special Instructions for Permanent / Retired Faculty from University of Delhi :
- Permanent Faculty of University of Delhi upload only Identity Card dully attested by the Principal / HOD / HOI
- Retired Faculty of University of Delhi upload superannuation letter issued by the Principal / HOD / HOI (in Miscellenous option)
I undertake that I will abide the directives / guidelines issued by the University / UGC / Competent Authority from time to time |