Online Application Form For Academic Counsellor/Resource Person in SOL
Application No. Zone Preference
Applying for Subject Allocation Code
Name Father's / Husband's Name
Date of Birth Email
Residential Address
Mobile No. Alternate Mobile No.
Category : Handicap Category
Academic Qualification ( beginning with Under-Graduate Examination)
PHD Exemption Certificate : Yes
Specialization Paper
Employment Status College Name
Adhoc Panel Catergory Adhoc Panel No
Year  Whether taught in NCWEB/SOL 
Details of Course / Subject / Paper Teaching / Specialization area of the college / SOL :
Colleges Experience
SOL Experience
Research Scholar:
Do you Have Knowledge of ICT Tool to be used For Class Room Teaching & capable to take classes through PowerPoint Presentations:
The details for writing study material
Information for payment through RTGS:
PAN No. Account No.
Bank Name IFSC Code No.
I undertake that I shall abide the directives / guidelines issued by the SOL /DU/ UGC / Competent Authority from time to time

The applicant applying online as a Academic Counsellor/Resource Person is required to submit self attested photocopies of his/her Undergraduate & Postgraduate Statement of Marks & Degree, Certificate/Degree of UGC NET/PHD, Category Certificate (if applicable) PAN Card and print of online registered profile, print out of this page and a passport size photograph within a due date to PCP Section, SOL, North Campus on any working day between 10:30AM and 05:00PM. If applicant is a retired faculty of the University of Delhi or its constituent/affiliated college he/she is required to submit a photocopy of his/her college/employee Identity Card (duly certified/verified by the issuing authority) in place of his educational documents.

Given under are few important guidelines in regard to the Academic Counselling Sessions for the Academic Counsellor/Resource Person for which he/she should take care while participating in Academic Counselling Sessions:

The commencement time and finishing time of a period must be in compliance with the Time-Table in the Teachers Attendance Register and Students Attendance Sheet.
The columns of the Students Attendance Sheet should be duly filled on each sheet by the concerned teacher (If more than one Attendance Sheets are used for a period the columns must be filled on each sheet).
In B.A. (Programme)/B.Com cases attendance of each student will be valid for one period only of his/her concerned subjects. Attendance marked by student for the same subject on the same day in more than one period will be invalid for other periods except very first period.
If the teacher is deputed for more than two periods but not more than four periods on the same day there must be a break of one period after two successive periods. Non-compliance of this will result in deduction of remuneration as per rule.
If the number of students in a class is less than five after two successive Academic Counselling Sessions days no payment will be made for such classes from the third Academic Counselling Sessions day and onwards.
The remuneration @ Rs.1500/- (Rupees one thousand only) per period will be paid to the eligible Resource Person/Counsellor subject to a limit of Rs. 50000/- per month.
The marking of attendance of the Resource Person/Counsellor in the Attendance Register after elapse of concerned date will not be admissible and remunerations against such attendance will not be payable.

Signature of the Applicant